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1982 Einzelhaft [10]
1984 Junge Römer [9]
1985 Falco 3 [10]
1986 Emotional [9]
1988 Wiener Blut [11]
1990 Data De Groove [10]
1992 Nachtflug [10]
1998 Out Of The Dark [10]
1999 Verdammt Wir Leben Noch [12]
2009 The Spirit Never Dies [4]
Внеальбомные треки [5]

Главная » Тексты песен » 1986 Emotional

09 The Kiss Of Kathleen Turner
Перевод этого материала смотрите здесь

Lyrics: Rob & Ferdi Bolland/FALCO, Music: Rob &Ferdi Bolland

- Ahm... Excuse me sir, could you maybe put down the newspaper just for a second, you know it's not a big problem I wanna tell you, but, um, just two, two sentences? Ah yeah? Von wo bist du hier? Wien, wienerisch, na wahnsinn, die Welt is doch klein, net wohr, ha? Jetzt fohr ma, seit 1984 fohr ma scho in diesem zug und ham uns no net kennenglernt, ha? Wenn ich mich errinere an oide Zeiten, so, Ottakring, Neustift, Grinzing. Also, listen.

Since 1984 take the seven thirty going into Brasil City, oh yeah?
At this hour of the day, I'm not too well humored
'cause life doesn't show any pity, oh yeah?

You're always naughing, bragging, complaining 'bout yourself
and putting things down in the world
Take a good look at Kathleen Turner
now there's one heck of a girl

ha, I've been to hell and back but I'm alright, Jack
did everything that love would allow
I've got my mind made up,
I know I can't be stopped...
I need the kiss of Kathleen Turner right now!

I've been to hell and back, but I'm alright, Jack
know what love is about

Under the seven moons, I've made a solemn vow
I need the kiss of Kathleen Turner right now
I need the kiss of Kathleen Turner right now

ey, smack! in the middle,
smack! in the middle
smack, smack!

- Hello?
- Hello!
- Oh it's me.
- Hey!
- It's late, but I just had to call you
I'll be over real soon! Coming!

Kathleen? Kathleen?
Is it a dream, or what?
is it really happening to me
or is it fantasy or?
In this world there's only one women
who can make my dreams come true
and that woman, Kathleen, it's you!

I've been to hell and back, but I'm alright, Jack
did everything that love would allow
I've got my mind made up,
I know I can't be stopped...
I need the kiss of Kathleen Turner right now!

I've been to hell and back, but I'm alright, Jack
know what love is about
Under the seven moons, I've made a solemn vow
I need the kiss of Kathleen Turner right now
I need the kiss of Kathleen Turner right now
hey, smack! in the middle

she, I love you, Kathleen
she, I love you, Kathleen
she, aaah

smack! in the middle

the kiss of Kathleen Turner right now
Kathleen? Can you hear me?

he needs the kiss of Kathleen Turner right now
he needs the kiss of Kathleen Turner right now
he needs the kiss of Kathleen Turner right now
he needs the kiss of Kathleen Turner right now
he needs the kiss of Kathleen Turner right now
he needs the kiss of Kathleen Turner right now

Standing on the corner watching all the girls go by
He wants a kiss
Standing on the corner watching all the girls go by
He wants a kiss

I don't wanna kiss, I wanna lots of kisses

He wants a kiss
listen, hey
He wants a kiss

Hallelujah, he's in love, hallelujah, glory, glory
Hallelujah, he's in love, hallelujah, glory, glory
Hallelujah, he's in love, hallelujah, glory, glory

I think you are too shy?
Just come on and give me the first kiss of my life, Kathleen.

Issos. Die Katalaunische Felder. Cannae. The Mount Greek. Austerlitz. Waterloo. Verdun. Stalingrad. Hiroshima. Nagasaki. And Harrisburg. Brockdorf. Zwentendorf. Cattenom. Wackersdorf. Tschernobyl...

Kathleen, you still hear me, babe?
Kathleen, you know what I'm talking about?
I'm just takling about
I'm just talking about
not the first kiss of my life
I'm talking about our planet


Перевод этого материала смотрите здесь

Категория: 1986 Emotional | Добавил: nika
Просмотров: 1430 | Комментарии: 2 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1 |
Всего комментариев: 2
1 nika   (2009-Фев-01 20:12) [Материал]
с текстом этой песни реальная проблема! неизвестны целые куски! помогите их восстановить, если можете!

2 Aleksandra   (2010-Дек-29 00:31) [Материал]
Текст обновлен, преимущественно по книге Falco Lyrics complete, возможно, некоторые оооо и уууу пропущены, но это, как мне кажется, не критично

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