Falco Verdammt Wir Leben Noch
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Лютый_хомяк | Дата: Четверг, 2009-Авг-20, 05:00 | Сообщение # 16 |
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 145
Награды: 1
Статус: Отдыхает
| Попробовал с ходу перевести, но тут надо контекст смотреть. Сегодня вечером после работы посмотрю, попутно нужно найти эти моменты в фильме и сравнить с текстом. Вот парочку набросал: Thatґs how it works. "Вот так это и происходит" Whatґs that for? Это ещё для чего?
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7thButterfly | Дата: Четверг, 2009-Авг-20, 12:56 | Сообщение # 17 |
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 140
Награды: 1
Статус: Отдыхает
| Хорошо. Олег, в фильме есть разговор Борка с Робом Болландом. Говорят на английском, субтитры идут на немецком. С аудированием у меня не очень, с немецким тоже. Посмотри, пожалуйста, вот что у меня получилось. Перевод: Сначала его отправили в "Royal witness" (не знаю, что это такое) из отеля, потому что он был совершено пьян, и крушил все имущество. Потом он приехал к нам в студию и сбросил на пол телевизор. Я выгнал его, а он разлегся на улице перед студией и кричал: "Роб, открывай! Впусти меня!" Это слишком, Хорст. В самом деле. Конец. Ты меня понял? Немецкий текст: Zuerst haben sie seine "königliche Verrücktheit" aus dem Hotel geworfen weil er völlig bessoffen war und das komplette Inventar zerstört hat. Dann ist er zu uns ins Studio gekommen und hat den Fernseher auf den Boden geschmissen. Ich hab ihn ausgesperrt und er hat sich vor dem Studio auf die Strasse gelegt und geschrien: "Rob, mach auf! Lass mich rein!" Es ist vorbei, Horst. Wirklich. Finito. Hast du mich verstanden?
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Лютый_хомяк | Дата: Четверг, 2009-Авг-20, 16:24 | Сообщение # 18 |
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 145
Награды: 1
Статус: Отдыхает
| Ага, тут ясно. Вот: Сначала Его Сумасшедшее Величество вышвырнули из отеля, потому что он напился в стельку и разбил мебель. Потом он притащился к нам в студию и опрокинул телевизор. Я его выпроводил, после чего он лёг на асфальт перед дверями и стал орать "Роб, открой, пусти меня!". Всё кончено, Хорст. Я серьёзно. Это конец, ты меня понимаешь?
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Лютый_хомяк | Дата: Четверг, 2009-Авг-20, 17:53 | Сообщение # 19 |
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 145
Награды: 1
Статус: Отдыхает
| 172, 174, Он дышит глубоко, в груди трепещет сердце Он медлит и неуверенно Берет её он - мужчины не всегды мудры - берёт её он в жёны Не упустите же любовь, друзья мои, тогда не опустеет ваше царство а коль стрела Амура вас настигнет, тогда придет конец свободе вашей Это из "Пигмалиона" Гете, я не нашел русский перевод, сам набросал. Er athmet tief, sein Herze schlug, Er eilt, und ohne Trau Nimmt er - Man ist nicht immer klug, Nimmt er sie sich zur Frau. [80] Flieht, Freunde, ja die Liebe nicht, Denn niemand flieht ihr Reich: Und wenn euch Amor einmal kriegt, Dann ist es aus mit euch. 192 - "И что ты сделаешь?" - сказано с доброй недоверчивостью, вроде как "да что ты вообще тут можешь поделать, мама?" 253, Хочешь стать политиком? Желаешь открыть дорогу молодёжи или? 303, ГАнс! ты же должен быть одет как мы! Или Ганс, мы же должны быть одеты одинаково! или Ганс, оденься как мы, ты что! 372, Артист, продюсер, записывающая компания, менеджер - все четверо на борту. 405, попроси его записать песню, тебе нужна реклама в Германии, или даже во всей Европе 478, оторви свой зад с дивана, Ганс! 482 Другому я отдам то, от чего отказался ты 97, 99, 100 - И что ты там делаешь? Играю в футбол и другие игры. 219 - Я тебе говорю, это лучшие телки (или кто-то там) Вены, и они не размениваются на мелочи 231 - Да, тут вроде насмешливое обращение вроде "слушайте меня, джентельмены и хоровые мальчики" 295 - вообще не поняла смысл этой фразы, к чему она? Не могу расслышать фразу.Вариант: "Скажи, как долго вот на этом мы будем ехать до Мюнхена?" Было бы неплохо попросить нашу немецкую фанатку переписать нам эту фразу из фильма. 333 - blow him away - Я закурю и столкну его со своей дороги. 461 - в этом случае saw off понимать как "бранили"? "ты лежишь целыми днями и смотришь видео. о, это был клевый фильм, там один чувак с пилой..." 534 - как перевести cheese wranglers? "Деревенские спорщики"? это он так говорит о братьях Болландах. Какой-то жаргонизм, типа "что ты там хотел рассказать об этих двух ... - дальше вставляй любое пренебрежительное обращение" 540 - как переводится run down child stars? На этот счет даже идей нет... как могут эти угасающие молодые звезды, которым место в хоре мальчиков, понять мировоззренние ФАлько и еще писать об этом?
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7thButterfly | Дата: Пятница, 2009-Авг-21, 18:58 | Сообщение # 20 |
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 140
Награды: 1
Статус: Отдыхает
| Еще пара вопросов и с диском 1 - все. 607 - не уверена, что правильно поняла. 609 - кто такие flatlanders? 626 - dig - в смысле "достанет/заденет"? Не смогла разобраться с текстом песни Америка, с английского переводить бесполезно - там безобразный перевод, а немецкий текст слишком сложный для меня, в остальных попроще был. Может, глянешь? Это первый куплет: Die Story ist jene, Das weiß doch Jedermann Das liegt doch auf der Hand Es war mit Bock und Roll Musik Nicht immer leicht in diesem Land Was in mir sitzt ist weiß gespritzt Das ist mir völlig klar, Obgleich ich Whiskey zech Seitdem in USA ich war Dort hört man "Falco You Are Wonderful" Ich hab es langsam satt Wenn ihr meine records Trotzdem kaufen wüdet, Würde es mich nicht stören Das typische an mir Ich bin untypisch ganz und gar Einmal hoch und einmal tief Einmal ausgeflippt, dann wieder straight Ihr werdet mich nehmen müssen wie ich bin Ich sag es lieber gleich Zeigt mir den nächsten schlanken Fuß Und ich bin voll dabei America wenn ihr mir glauben Wie man euch vermissen kann
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Лютый_хомяк | Дата: Воскресенье, 2009-Авг-23, 16:59 | Сообщение # 21 |
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 145
Награды: 1
Статус: Отдыхает
| 607 На обложке должно быть написано: "Режиссер - Фалько" 609 Опять же пренебрежительное прозвище. "Скажи этим двум ... там дальше немецкая идиома, я о такой не слышал. Какое-то прозвище по территориальному признаку. Вроде "скажи этим ускоглазым". Он же про Болландов говорит? 626 - не могу понять, что он говорит. еще и гром гремит. надо отправить это нашей немецкой подруге текст америки можно и не переводить. зачем? пусть в титрах песни останутся песнями
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7thButterfly | Дата: Четверг, 2009-Авг-27, 19:48 | Сообщение # 22 |
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 140
Награды: 1
Статус: Отдыхает
| Второй диск. 711 00:55:37,823 --> 00:55:43,016 Two, one, zero, red alert - Vienna in danger! 712 00:55:44,928 --> 00:55:48,335 - Iґll get a drink, you too? - No thanks. 713 00:56:38,265 --> 00:56:39,016 Whatґs that? 714 00:56:39,441 --> 00:56:40,375 Itґs for sleeping. 715 00:56:41,159 --> 00:56:43,033 Iґm going to Germany tomorrow morning. 716 00:56:44,833 --> 00:56:45,915 When will you be back? 717 00:56:46,611 --> 00:56:48,510 The day after tomorrow, baby. 718 00:56:49,876 --> 00:56:52,902 Sometimes I have to sell my skin. 719 00:56:55,711 --> 00:56:59,575 What are those tubes and needles in your dressing room? 720 00:57:00,614 --> 00:57:01,431 How do you know? 721 00:57:02,147 --> 00:57:02,771 Just saw them. 722 00:57:03,251 --> 00:57:04,386 Do you spy on me? 723 00:57:04,642 --> 00:57:05,442 So soon? 724 00:57:06,218 --> 00:57:07,155 Definitely not. 725 00:57:07,548 --> 00:57:08,642 Do I have a reason? 726 00:57:11,611 --> 00:57:13,956 Itґs a kind of ... doping. 727 00:57:14,380 --> 00:57:15,301 A cleansing of blood. 728 00:57:16,101 --> 00:57:19,389 They take it, add oxygene, and put it back. 729 00:57:20,821 --> 00:57:23,387 Then my bodyґs 15 years younger. 730 00:57:24,149 --> 00:57:24,933 And healthier. 731 00:57:25,749 --> 00:57:26,516 Really? 732 00:57:27,312 --> 00:57:28,689 Money can buy anything. 733 00:57:29,569 --> 00:57:31,409 I couldnґt last a tour otherwise. 734 00:57:33,980 --> 00:57:35,653 Crazy, what you do to your body. 735 00:57:36,876 --> 00:57:38,525 Donґt start like that. 736 00:57:38,869 --> 00:57:40,264 I donґt take that well. 737 00:57:41,550 --> 00:57:45,758 And that from somebody who smokes and drinks during pregnancy. 738 00:57:46,613 --> 00:57:48,036 Finally honest words. 739 00:57:48,424 --> 00:57:50,843 A macho like you canґt be tolerated soberly. 740 00:57:51,514 --> 00:57:53,237 Youґre so pathetic. 741 00:57:54,509 --> 00:57:56,726 You donґt even know what a macho is. 742 00:57:57,116 --> 00:57:59,961 Go to your mother and cry there. 743 00:58:00,981 --> 00:58:01,923 Not necessary. 744 00:58:02,380 --> 00:58:05,339 My mother thinks all my girls are sluts. 745 00:58:11,493 --> 00:58:12,149 Pardon? 746 00:58:13,214 --> 00:58:14,286 Forget it. 747 00:58:15,432 --> 00:58:16,802 Stupid asshole! 748 00:58:17,211 --> 00:58:18,780 I want an apology! 749 00:58:19,219 --> 00:58:21,285 Sorry, I didnґt mean it. 750 00:58:22,848 --> 00:58:23,783 I donґt believe you.
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7thButterfly | Дата: Четверг, 2009-Авг-27, 19:49 | Сообщение # 23 |
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 140
Награды: 1
Статус: Отдыхает
| 751 00:58:28,856 --> 00:58:32,873 I wanted to hurt you. That was stupid. Sorry. 752 00:58:38,525 --> 00:58:40,405 Never say that again. Or Iґm gone. 753 00:58:41,731 --> 00:58:42,523 I promise. 754 00:58:51,029 --> 00:58:53,830 Everything will be different with the child. 755 00:58:54,631 --> 00:58:56,545 Iґll stop drinking ... 756 00:58:59,307 --> 00:59:00,339 also the other stuff ... 757 00:59:07,159 --> 00:59:09,575 Itґs cold Letґs get out of here. 758 00:59:11,127 --> 00:59:13,079 Your lipstick is smeared. 759 00:59:13,766 --> 00:59:17,480 You bought it. And I watched. 760 00:59:18,623 --> 00:59:20,575 Too much red on your lips. 761 00:59:21,104 --> 00:59:23,144 You said: "Donґt pick me up!" 762 00:59:24,408 --> 00:59:25,672 But I saw the truth. 763 00:59:26,869 --> 00:59:28,189 Eyes tell more than words. 764 00:59:29,786 --> 00:59:31,553 You need me, huh? 765 00:59:32,710 --> 00:59:35,167 Everybody knows weґre together. 766 00:59:36,096 --> 00:59:40,832 I hear them. Theyґre coming to get you. 767 00:59:41,567 --> 00:59:45,634 They wonґt find you. Youґre here with me. 768 01:00:16,591 --> 01:00:20,855 After five years abroad and with no knowledge of German pop ... 769 01:00:21,432 --> 01:00:24,169 I heard Falcoґs "Jeannie" on the radio ... 770 01:00:24,570 --> 01:00:26,058 and got appropriately enraged. 771 01:00:26,635 --> 01:00:28,437 That could have been it. 772 01:00:29,020 --> 01:00:33,261 Then I heard it was number one everywhere ... 773 01:00:33,669 --> 01:00:38,189 I heard it sold 20.000 copies just yesterday. 774 01:00:38,813 --> 01:00:42,182 Facts and numbers make "Jeannie" a news issue. 775 01:00:44,560 --> 01:00:48,121 In the last months the number of missing persons rose dramatically. 776 01:00:48,753 --> 01:00:53,485 Local police report another tragic case. 777 01:00:54,286 --> 01:00:58,246 Itґs about a 19 year old girl, last seen two weeks ago. 778 01:00:59,120 --> 01:01:02,729 Police canґt exclude the possibility of a crime. 779 01:01:52,120 --> 01:01:59,465 Three Austrain Catholic organizations talk about an irresponsible game with crime and violence. 780 01:01:59,776 --> 01:02:05,074 Theyґd like Austrian radio to follow the German broadcast ban. 781 01:02:05,545 --> 01:02:07,739 I knew the candle eaters would react like that. 782 01:02:08,420 --> 01:02:12,107 Incredible how easy to manipulate the media. 783 01:02:12,795 --> 01:02:13,512 Youґre right. 784 01:02:14,197 --> 01:02:18,536 Eight German womenґs associations protested against the song. 785 01:02:18,990 --> 01:02:23,263 They say itґs a war song playing down violence against women. 786 01:02:23,926 --> 01:02:26,894 They complain that the song ... 787 01:02:27,135 --> 01:02:29,880 endorses sexual assault and murder. 788 01:02:30,856 --> 01:02:34,183 Worst thing is weґre still number one in Germany. 789 01:02:34,328 --> 01:02:35,128 Right. 790 01:02:35,583 --> 01:02:38,318 In a few weeks weґll announce ... 791 01:02:38,471 --> 01:02:40,861 there will be a sequel to "Jeannie" on the next album. 792 01:02:41,340 --> 01:02:42,947 Itґs agreed upon with the Bollands. 793 01:02:43,220 --> 01:02:46,861 Next weґll put "Amadeus" on the US market, then itґll be Christmas ... 794 01:02:47,429 --> 01:02:48,422 Hans will go on holiday ... 795 01:02:49,230 --> 01:02:50,878 in January everybody will have calmed down. 796 01:02:51,720 --> 01:02:52,845 Yes ... unfortunately. 797 01:02:55,654 --> 01:02:56,847 Thatґs business. 798 01:03:28,523 --> 01:03:30,593 Hans, the Carribeanґs a dream ... 799 01:03:31,860 --> 01:03:33,100 the islands and stuff. 800 01:03:34,612 --> 01:03:36,787 Look ... MTV America, baby.
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7thButterfly | Дата: Четверг, 2009-Авг-27, 19:49 | Сообщение # 24 |
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 140
Награды: 1
Статус: Отдыхает
| 801 01:03:37,490 --> 01:03:39,339 Whoґs on the air? Your man. 802 01:03:41,197 --> 01:03:47,119 What do you prefer to watch? This? Or this? 803 01:03:59,009 --> 01:04:02,050 Inhale. Deeply. 804 01:04:21,156 --> 01:04:24,134 My daughter. Carolina Tanja. 805 01:04:26,215 --> 01:04:27,495 Your dad loves you. 806 01:04:29,568 --> 01:04:31,023 Iґll always look after you. 807 01:04:32,864 --> 01:04:35,289 I love you, sweet little flea. 808 01:04:48,681 --> 01:04:50,592 Today sheґs one week old. 809 01:04:51,133 --> 01:04:52,310 Are they at home? 810 01:04:52,725 --> 01:04:53,973 Iґll fetch them tomorrow. 811 01:04:54,325 --> 01:04:55,582 Were you present at birth? 812 01:04:55,863 --> 01:04:56,855 Sure. 813 01:04:57,423 --> 01:04:58,816 It was hard. 814 01:04:59,583 --> 01:05:02,063 But when I think how cute Carolina is... 815 01:05:02,679 --> 01:05:05,728 how she looked at her dad, the sweet girl. 816 01:05:06,145 --> 01:05:07,385 Letґs drink to that. 817 01:05:07,665 --> 01:05:08,585 To Carolina. 818 01:05:12,370 --> 01:05:13,355 Youґre number one, Hans. 819 01:05:13,891 --> 01:05:15,461 Number one in the US charts. 820 01:05:17,171 --> 01:05:20,493 The first German language number one in US rock history! 821 01:05:21,397 --> 01:05:22,799 Champaign! 822 01:05:23,501 --> 01:05:24,767 We only have sparkling wine. 823 01:05:24,984 --> 01:05:26,206 Three bottles! 824 01:05:26,823 --> 01:05:29,768 Incredible! 825 01:05:29,876 --> 01:05:31,776 Elton Johnґs "Nikita" is on 9. 826 01:05:32,191 --> 01:05:34,176 Princeґs "Kiss" at 5. 827 01:05:34,592 --> 01:05:36,496 John Mellencampґs "Heart" is on 2. 828 01:05:36,809 --> 01:05:39,914 And number one is "Rock Me Amadeus" by Falco. 829 01:05:45,567 --> 01:05:46,743 Dude, you made it. 830 01:05:46,912 --> 01:05:49,611 - I always believed In you. - Thank you. 831 01:05:49,832 --> 01:05:51,931 You were number one in England and the US. 832 01:05:54,788 --> 01:05:56,736 Arenґt you happy? 833 01:05:58,653 --> 01:06:02,125 Thatґs the biggest thing to achive as a rock musician. 834 01:06:03,445 --> 01:06:06,280 Theyґll judge me on that basis forever. 835 01:06:06,852 --> 01:06:08,086 Maybe I cannot repeat that. 836 01:06:08,244 --> 01:06:09,165 Stop that. 837 01:06:10,342 --> 01:06:11,364 Be happy and celebrate. 838 01:06:12,038 --> 01:06:13,007 One thing I know. 839 01:06:13,870 --> 01:06:16,831 They will only love me again when Iґm dead. 840 01:06:18,647 --> 01:06:19,983 Excuse me. 841 01:06:20,221 --> 01:06:21,070 Hans! A toast! 842 01:06:21,598 --> 01:06:22,326 Iґll be back. 843 01:07:37,403 --> 01:07:42,461 The world revolves around me. Iґm an egoiste, 844 01:07:43,413 --> 01:07:45,612 the guy closest to me is myself. 845 01:08:19,522 --> 01:08:22,434 Tell me - are you really that stupid? 846 01:08:22,691 --> 01:08:23,739 Watch your mouth! 847 01:08:23,932 --> 01:08:30,236 It freaks me out when my girl doesnґt know David Bowie and thinks "Solid Gold" is a jewellery store. 848 01:08:30,395 --> 01:08:31,516 Thatґs not important. 849 01:08:31,748 --> 01:08:34,491 Everybody is asking, where I got such a birdbrain. 850 01:08:35,850 --> 01:08:41,011 - I just asked a question. - Hit me again and Iґll Hit back.
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7thButterfly | Дата: Четверг, 2009-Авг-27, 19:51 | Сообщение # 25 |
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 140
Награды: 1
Статус: Отдыхает
| 851 01:08:41,258 --> 01:08:45,444 You canґt tell me anything, I decide how to live my life. 852 01:08:45,464 --> 01:08:48,616 If you live with me, you have to live accordingly. 853 01:08:48,776 --> 01:08:51,195 Stop shouting, youґll wake the girl. 854 01:08:51,251 --> 01:08:52,877 Then Iґll put her to sleep again. 855 01:08:53,876 --> 01:08:55,509 Just shut up. 856 01:08:55,877 --> 01:08:57,912 Crazy asshole! Iґm not done yet. 857 01:09:03,050 --> 01:09:04,098 Coward! 858 01:09:04,883 --> 01:09:06,189 Hit a woman? 859 01:09:06,541 --> 01:09:07,668 Youґre a white trash pig! 860 01:09:08,333 --> 01:09:10,399 Letґs see what your mother has to say about that. 861 01:09:11,008 --> 01:09:12,689 Drinking damaged your brain. 862 01:09:13,254 --> 01:09:14,110 The coke, too. 863 01:09:15,389 --> 01:09:17,525 Donґt you hear our daughter crying? 864 01:09:20,005 --> 01:09:23,759 My dear, your motherґs shouting, but daddy will take care of you. 865 01:09:28,410 --> 01:09:29,970 Iґm here. I love you. 866 01:09:34,644 --> 01:09:36,835 - What are you up to? - Give me the child! 867 01:09:37,837 --> 01:09:40,117 Give me the child. Our lawyers will sort out the rest. 868 01:09:40,269 --> 01:09:41,774 You make a fool of yourself. 869 01:09:43,158 --> 01:09:44,358 Youґre crazy. 870 01:09:45,262 --> 01:09:46,048 Kiss my ass! 871 01:09:48,695 --> 01:09:49,592 Get lost! 872 01:09:50,231 --> 01:09:52,954 Never come back! Never! 873 01:09:53,807 --> 01:09:57,175 Donґt think you will ever enter here again! 874 01:09:58,516 --> 01:09:59,449 Thatґs that. 875 01:10:07,638 --> 01:10:09,911 What if I hadnґt been at the train station? 876 01:10:10,985 --> 01:10:12,610 Where would you go with her? 877 01:10:13,555 --> 01:10:15,359 To your parents in Graz, of course. 878 01:10:16,540 --> 01:10:17,748 Not that hard to guess. 879 01:10:20,900 --> 01:10:21,916 I would have gone. 880 01:10:22,430 --> 01:10:23,864 10 minutes later Iґd been gone. 881 01:10:25,571 --> 01:10:28,126 I would have banged at the door in Graz. 882 01:10:31,665 --> 01:10:33,009 Youґre a crazy guy. 883 01:10:42,564 --> 01:10:46,311 Itґs 7 p.m local time, West Village, business as usual. 884 01:10:46,571 --> 01:10:48,995 The cityґs noisy, the air is bad. 885 01:10:49,226 --> 01:10:50,946 The musicґs black. 886 01:11:53,691 --> 01:11:54,466 What do you say? 887 01:11:56,392 --> 01:11:57,269 Great house, huh? 888 01:11:58,364 --> 01:12:00,252 Maybe this is a mistake ... 889 01:12:01,084 --> 01:12:04,896 but the best things about the American flag are those red and white stripes. 890 01:12:06,520 --> 01:12:07,272 I donґt want to live here. 891 01:12:08,165 --> 01:12:10,192 We donґt have to rush it, 892 01:12:10,385 --> 01:12:13,555 but to have success in America, youґll have to be here. 893 01:12:14,196 --> 01:12:17,394 You have to adapt to the culture, meet the right people at parties ... 894 01:12:18,694 --> 01:12:20,846 Youґll have to be more reliable. 895 01:12:22,285 --> 01:12:24,536 Yes, but if Iґm not comfortable here... 896 01:12:26,453 --> 01:12:29,671 Am I supposed to raise my daughter in LA? 897 01:12:30,359 --> 01:12:35,641 With all that crime, the earthquakes and fires? 898 01:12:36,125 --> 01:12:37,954 Youґre exaggerating. 899 01:12:38,221 --> 01:12:40,912 - Many people with children live here. - No, no, no. 900 01:12:43,742 --> 01:12:45,830 I wonґt do that to my princess.
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7thButterfly | Дата: Четверг, 2009-Авг-27, 19:51 | Сообщение # 26 |
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 140
Награды: 1
Статус: Отдыхает
| 901 01:12:46,943 --> 01:12:48,375 My family comes first. 902 01:12:51,246 --> 01:12:52,391 You know what that means? 903 01:12:54,511 --> 01:12:58,877 At the bottom of my heart I swim against the waves. 904 01:12:59,798 --> 01:13:00,886 Donґt worry. 905 01:13:02,701 --> 01:13:03,870 Letґs have a drink. 906 01:13:36,246 --> 01:13:38,191 What is it, Jackie? Iґm working. 907 01:13:42,997 --> 01:13:43,780 So? 908 01:13:44,523 --> 01:13:45,884 Itґs 4 a.m. 909 01:13:46,548 --> 01:13:47,588 Come to bed. 910 01:13:51,914 --> 01:13:53,082 Iґm an artist. 911 01:13:53,765 --> 01:13:55,876 A blade runner, gambling with life. 912 01:13:57,186 --> 01:13:58,819 I donґt work 9 to 5. 913 01:14:00,097 --> 01:14:01,812 If you want that, get an office worker. 914 01:14:04,141 --> 01:14:06,653 Iґll go to the studio today. 915 01:14:07,779 --> 01:14:09,099 The song is dedicated to you. 916 01:14:09,855 --> 01:14:12,151 Itґs called "Emotional", itґs about ... 917 01:14:14,279 --> 01:14:14,935 Come. 918 01:14:16,087 --> 01:14:18,585 Youґre Falco. You call the shots. 919 01:14:20,240 --> 01:14:23,274 Your family needs a father, not a human wreck. 920 01:14:28,496 --> 01:14:29,704 Turn off the lights. 921 01:14:56,646 --> 01:14:58,709 I wonґt be able to sleep, baby. 922 01:15:00,502 --> 01:15:01,871 Yes, you will. 923 01:15:04,299 --> 01:15:06,954 Sometimes I wish I were normal again. 924 01:15:09,131 --> 01:15:11,619 And that writingґs easier again. 925 01:15:15,584 --> 01:15:16,713 It will be, Hans. 926 01:15:35,540 --> 01:15:37,493 Weґre high up, like never before. 927 01:15:39,597 --> 01:15:41,846 Weґll play the new album live. 928 01:15:42,854 --> 01:15:45,968 With samples and two hot background singers. 929 01:15:47,645 --> 01:15:49,350 Letґs talk about it tomorrow. 930 01:15:49,501 --> 01:15:50,471 No. Why? 931 01:15:50,646 --> 01:15:53,560 Weґll tour Japan and the US, youґre the band leader. 932 01:15:53,798 --> 01:15:56,402 Awesome! Japan! 933 01:15:56,607 --> 01:15:59,136 Youґll rehearse the songs, Iґll come in at the end. 934 01:15:59,673 --> 01:16:02,455 - Okay, Hans. - Great, dude. 935 01:16:02,820 --> 01:16:04,854 Donґt you have a video shoot tomorrow? 936 01:16:11,914 --> 01:16:13,546 Thank you for calling, guys. 937 01:16:13,960 --> 01:16:15,040 On behalf of Hans, too. 938 01:16:15,861 --> 01:16:16,828 Iґm sorry. 939 01:16:17,284 --> 01:16:18,597 Youґre welcome, Mrs. Hцlzel. 940 01:16:18,830 --> 01:16:19,773 Heґs okay again. 941 01:16:20,277 --> 01:16:21,342 He wonґt go home though. 942 01:16:22,165 --> 01:16:23,521 He has family trouble. 943 01:16:24,009 --> 01:16:25,267 Jacqueline moved out again. 944 01:16:26,803 --> 01:16:27,708 My god. 945 01:16:31,796 --> 01:16:32,631 Stop it! Get up! 946 01:16:33,509 --> 01:16:34,140 We go home. 947 01:16:36,998 --> 01:16:37,781 Mum. 948 01:16:38,574 --> 01:16:42,640 - Why are you here? - Get up, the cab is waiting! 949 01:16:43,113 --> 01:16:44,068 Come on. 950 01:16:44,668 --> 01:16:47,055 - Come. - Come on, Hans!
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7thButterfly | Дата: Четверг, 2009-Авг-27, 19:52 | Сообщение # 27 |
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 140
Награды: 1
Статус: Отдыхает
| 951 01:17:03,496 --> 01:17:07,785 I know that the woman who can tolerate me, hasnґt been born yet. 952 01:17:09,457 --> 01:17:13,370 But I beg you: Come into the world! 953 01:17:18,601 --> 01:17:20,748 You know I got a lionґs heart. 954 01:18:02,342 --> 01:18:04,573 I decided to dedicate the album to Carolina. 955 01:18:05,742 --> 01:18:06,654 Iґll put it on the cover. 956 01:18:14,425 --> 01:18:16,193 I canґt do without you two. 957 01:18:16,917 --> 01:18:19,071 The big apartment is so cold and empty. 958 01:18:20,866 --> 01:18:22,074 Heard that before. 959 01:18:22,474 --> 01:18:23,489 Canґt remember how many times. 960 01:18:25,313 --> 01:18:27,553 Jackie, Iґm a man of extremes, 961 01:18:28,257 --> 01:18:31,705 I know Iґm a jerk to many people. 962 01:18:33,792 --> 01:18:35,124 I do everything excessively. 963 01:18:36,638 --> 01:18:38,285 But weґre family, baby. 964 01:18:39,142 --> 01:18:40,693 Over thereґs our child. 965 01:18:41,053 --> 01:18:42,878 Should she grow up without a father ... in Graz? 966 01:18:43,265 --> 01:18:45,329 Even if sheґs got a loving father? 967 01:18:48,776 --> 01:18:51,079 You werenґt loved enough in your life. 968 01:18:53,568 --> 01:18:55,248 You lack something there. 969 01:18:56,544 --> 01:18:57,929 You canґt deal with love. 970 01:19:00,148 --> 01:19:03,836 When youґre hurt you donґt seek a human embrace, 971 01:19:04,019 --> 01:19:08,212 you lock yourself into yourself and heal yourself with booze and drugs. 972 01:19:09,084 --> 01:19:10,261 Iґll quit, youґll see. 973 01:19:11,684 --> 01:19:16,763 Youґre insecure in every respect, you drink out of fear. 974 01:19:18,715 --> 01:19:20,097 Youґre afraid of people. 975 01:19:20,665 --> 01:19:21,481 Of failure. 976 01:19:23,630 --> 01:19:28,351 If someone gives you love, youґll treat them like a dog. 977 01:19:30,214 --> 01:19:32,600 You owe me one more chance. 978 01:19:33,218 --> 01:19:34,090 One last cance. 979 01:19:47,595 --> 01:19:50,050 You and me against the world. 980 01:19:51,610 --> 01:19:55,555 You have judged us, you have judged me. 981 01:19:56,845 --> 01:20:01,799 But our time has come, when a dream comes true. 982 01:20:34,001 --> 01:20:35,920 Theyґre crazy about Falco here. 983 01:20:37,087 --> 01:20:42,120 In the hotel a hundred cute Japanese girls wait for a photo and a signature. 984 01:20:42,714 --> 01:20:45,195 At night they throw their panties at me. 985 01:20:45,679 --> 01:20:48,799 Then Iґll come with you next time. 986 01:20:49,299 --> 01:20:50,699 Any news at home? 987 01:20:51,259 --> 01:20:56,076 Not that much. Papers say youґll receive the Golden Bambi along Paul McCartney. 988 01:20:56,350 --> 01:20:58,325 True. The Germans have style. 989 01:20:59,006 --> 01:21:00,487 True. Congratulations. 990 01:21:02,482 --> 01:21:07,811 - I gotta go, Horst is there. - Okay, take care, bye. - Bye. 991 01:21:10,422 --> 01:21:14,280 Horst, my friend. I hope itґs nothing to ruin my mood. 992 01:21:16,173 --> 01:21:16,925 Iґm afraid it is. 993 01:21:20,167 --> 01:21:21,935 American tour is cancelled. 994 01:21:22,934 --> 01:21:26,184 Yes. The producer wonґt take the risk. 995 01:21:27,000 --> 01:21:32,942 - No chart breaker since "Amadeus", no yellow press ... - Well, the pissers will have to do without me then. 996 01:21:34,326 --> 01:21:35,773 Up in smoke. 997 01:21:39,224 --> 01:21:40,177 Fuck them. 998 01:21:43,312 --> 01:21:44,139 What is it? 999 01:21:45,893 --> 01:21:50,622 Thereґs a request from Brigitte Nielsen, Sylvester Stallones ex-girlfriend ... 1000 01:21:52,208 --> 01:21:54,152 she wants to be a singer ...
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7thButterfly | Дата: Четверг, 2009-Авг-27, 19:52 | Сообщение # 28 |
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 140
Награды: 1
Статус: Отдыхает
| 1001 01:21:55,078 --> 01:21:59,186 the management asks you to record a song with her. 1002 01:22:01,039 --> 01:22:02,271 Are you crazy? 1003 01:22:03,103 --> 01:22:05,241 I didnґt want to get into the charts, I wanted to get in her panties. 1004 01:22:05,774 --> 01:22:07,727 14 days in Saint Tropez paid off. 1005 01:22:08,655 --> 01:22:09,309 Asshole! 1006 01:22:10,054 --> 01:22:13,808 The papers write what they want to. 1007 01:22:14,128 --> 01:22:16,272 Itґs a bad record, too. 1008 01:22:16,475 --> 01:22:19,257 Stupid drunk fuck! 1009 01:22:19,465 --> 01:22:22,538 You should know itґs nothing but PR. 1010 01:22:23,172 --> 01:22:26,174 I donґt know myself why Iґm in the yellow press. 1011 01:22:26,242 --> 01:22:27,238 You think Iґm stupid? 1012 01:22:27,316 --> 01:22:28,641 Iґm not that stupid. 1013 01:22:31,729 --> 01:22:33,532 Pull yourself together! 1014 01:22:33,691 --> 01:22:34,436 Fuck you! 1015 01:22:35,509 --> 01:22:36,821 You can as well die! 1016 01:22:48,713 --> 01:22:51,066 I ... didnґt want to. Iґm sorry. 1017 01:22:57,775 --> 01:22:58,542 Shit. 1018 01:22:59,566 --> 01:23:00,286 Stay. 1019 01:23:02,960 --> 01:23:08,003 First it was about Carolina. Everybody says she doesnґt look like me. 1020 01:23:09,174 --> 01:23:12,982 Then that Nielsen story from the papers. 1021 01:23:13,766 --> 01:23:15,849 Well, that wasnґt too smart. 1022 01:23:18,513 --> 01:23:20,578 I hit her in the face and she bled. 1023 01:23:22,065 --> 01:23:23,072 Are you crazy? 1024 01:23:23,336 --> 01:23:24,937 Iґm terribly sorry. 1025 01:23:25,312 --> 01:23:27,186 Jacqueline is great in bed ... 1026 01:23:27,770 --> 01:23:30,796 but other wise ... sheґs a bit simple. 1027 01:23:31,196 --> 01:23:33,805 Who am I talking to right now? 1028 01:23:34,624 --> 01:23:35,791 Falco or Hans? 1029 01:23:36,812 --> 01:23:38,141 Iґd prefer Hans. 1030 01:23:38,293 --> 01:23:41,254 - Come on ... - He doesnґt have to play the asshole all the time. 1031 01:23:41,591 --> 01:23:43,502 She keeps on nagging ... 1032 01:23:44,262 --> 01:23:47,103 I was back from Japan and she started again. 1033 01:23:47,255 --> 01:23:48,942 She nags about the drugs ... 1034 01:23:49,142 --> 01:23:50,167 Like you, Billy. 1035 01:23:52,070 --> 01:23:53,733 Youґre like a woman somehow. 1036 01:23:54,889 --> 01:23:56,092 Thatґs no joke, Hans. 1037 01:23:57,569 --> 01:23:58,402 You destroy yourself. 1038 01:23:59,427 --> 01:24:00,402 Look at you! 1039 01:24:00,831 --> 01:24:02,969 Youґre always drunk ... the glassy gaze. 1040 01:24:03,635 --> 01:24:06,330 - Come on. - Decide who you want to be! 1041 01:24:07,699 --> 01:24:10,708 It will pay off to fight to be Hans again. 1042 01:24:13,559 --> 01:24:15,438 You talk like Jackie again. 1043 01:24:25,300 --> 01:24:28,078 Iґll be going, Hans. 1044 01:24:28,839 --> 01:24:30,037 You should, too. 1045 01:24:30,557 --> 01:24:34,271 Get some sleep, go to Graz tomorrow and persuade her to come back again and again. 1046 01:24:34,862 --> 01:24:38,240 If youґre sober, call me, weґll do some workout. 1047 01:24:38,584 --> 01:24:41,507 Donґt be pissed off. Youґre really like a woman ... 1048 01:24:45,299 --> 01:24:46,451 Billy, wait! 1049 01:24:50,962 --> 01:24:52,545 You wonґt believe me, Jackie ... 1050 01:24:53,120 --> 01:24:54,617 I have dissapointed you too often...
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7thButterfly | Дата: Четверг, 2009-Авг-27, 19:53 | Сообщение # 29 |
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 140
Награды: 1
Статус: Отдыхает
| 1051 01:24:56,678 --> 01:24:59,407 youґre still there even if youґre long gone ... 1052 01:25:01,267 --> 01:25:02,755 I destroyed myself ... 1053 01:25:05,328 --> 01:25:07,729 an important part of me has been ripped off ... 1054 01:25:13,041 --> 01:25:15,518 my pain evokes my real feelings ... 1055 01:25:17,270 --> 01:25:19,509 I want to show you what you mean to me ... 1056 01:25:20,902 --> 01:25:22,526 Iґm sure now ... 1057 01:25:24,583 --> 01:25:25,553 that I love you ... 1058 01:25:26,540 --> 01:25:29,398 ... I want to fight for your love ... 1059 01:25:29,809 --> 01:25:31,873 and for my beloved daughter Carolina Tanja ... 1060 01:25:33,212 --> 01:25:35,507 Iґm ready to give up everything for you ... 1061 01:25:37,744 --> 01:25:39,992 Iґm nowhere, but I have arrived ... 1062 01:25:41,418 --> 01:25:42,386 in the centre ... 1063 01:25:43,629 --> 01:25:44,774 the eye of the storm ... 1064 01:25:59,472 --> 01:26:00,123 Mother. 1065 01:26:00,260 --> 01:26:01,613 Your son got married. 1066 01:26:05,133 --> 01:26:05,790 What is it? 1067 01:26:06,894 --> 01:26:07,893 No congratulations? 1068 01:26:09,173 --> 01:26:10,420 Why didnґt you tell anybody? 1069 01:26:11,596 --> 01:26:17,118 We didnґt want any fuss. It was a quiet ceremony in Vegas. 1070 01:26:17,420 --> 01:26:20,428 You can imagine that I would have liked to be there? 1071 01:26:20,997 --> 01:26:22,243 Come on ... 1072 01:26:22,813 --> 01:26:23,940 It was just minutes ... 1073 01:26:24,435 --> 01:26:29,005 It was cold. The Americans and their air conditionings ... 1074 01:26:30,238 --> 01:26:33,564 Iґll play my new song, mother. 1075 01:26:34,056 --> 01:26:35,208 Youґll like it. 1076 01:26:36,319 --> 01:26:36,994 You, too, my dear. 1077 01:26:57,729 --> 01:27:00,867 Falcoґs under contract just in Austria? 1078 01:27:01,378 --> 01:27:02,100 Exactly. 1079 01:27:03,493 --> 01:27:05,164 Boring. 1080 01:27:05,654 --> 01:27:07,679 His times are over. 1081 01:27:07,967 --> 01:27:09,198 Letґs just listen. 1082 01:27:12,282 --> 01:27:13,169 Letґs see, Mr. Spiegel. 1083 01:27:15,792 --> 01:27:18,051 I just got the call, Iґm sorry. 1084 01:27:19,452 --> 01:27:23,580 The whole tour has been cancelled due to lack of sales. 1085 01:27:25,182 --> 01:27:28,974 All the gigs. Germany, Austria, all of them. 1086 01:27:30,712 --> 01:27:31,578 Itґs no use. 1087 01:27:32,050 --> 01:27:37,916 I know Iґm seen as arrogant because I donґt care for the rules. 1088 01:27:39,362 --> 01:27:41,891 And Iґll fight for that reputation. 1089 01:27:43,107 --> 01:27:45,348 Thatґs what you and I live off. 1090 01:27:46,474 --> 01:27:47,402 Thatґs not the point. 1091 01:27:48,586 --> 01:27:51,811 Tha album didnґt fulfill expectations. 1092 01:27:52,788 --> 01:27:53,532 Thatґs the point. 1093 01:27:55,765 --> 01:27:59,524 Itґs like "Junge Rцmer" after "Einzelhaft". 1094 01:28:00,341 --> 01:28:02,063 It didnґt sell immediately. 1095 01:28:03,862 --> 01:28:07,966 Keeping that pattern the next album will be a hit. 1096 01:28:08,975 --> 01:28:10,504 They mustnґt shit their pants. 1097 01:28:11,368 --> 01:28:13,937 Thatґs a weird theory ... 1098 01:28:14,626 --> 01:28:16,777 I canґt tell them that. 1099 01:28:17,162 --> 01:28:18,563 You can. 1100 01:28:19,885 --> 01:28:24,298 You forgot they paid you 40 million for your signature?
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7thButterfly | Дата: Четверг, 2009-Авг-27, 19:53 | Сообщение # 30 |
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 140
Награды: 1
Статус: Отдыхает
| 1101 01:28:29,373 --> 01:28:30,524 I think ... 1102 01:28:32,194 --> 01:28:34,895 we should have stayed with our American label. 1103 01:28:37,327 --> 01:28:38,785 They built us over there. 1104 01:28:40,828 --> 01:28:44,019 As soon as they saw me signing somewhere else they dropped me. 1105 01:28:45,827 --> 01:28:47,356 Itґs more complicated. 1106 01:28:48,757 --> 01:28:50,816 You wanted to switch. 1107 01:28:51,512 --> 01:28:52,578 It was your idea. 1108 01:28:53,825 --> 01:28:57,034 You told me weґd get more money. 1109 01:28:58,144 --> 01:28:59,281 And? 1110 01:29:00,651 --> 01:29:01,500 Whatґs your point? 1111 01:29:02,548 --> 01:29:08,790 Could it be they bribed you to persuade me to sign? 1112 01:29:10,326 --> 01:29:12,423 How much did you get? 1113 01:29:15,153 --> 01:29:18,625 Hans, I donґt take that serious ... 1114 01:29:20,243 --> 01:29:21,901 Why should I do such a thing? Iґm your manager? 1115 01:29:23,136 --> 01:29:23,974 Did you forget? 1116 01:29:33,984 --> 01:29:35,131 Shit. 1117 01:29:42,684 --> 01:29:45,724 I donґt care if you like my records. 1118 01:29:46,157 --> 01:29:47,334 Look at you! 1119 01:29:48,086 --> 01:29:50,175 No wonder you produce one bomb after the other. 1120 01:29:51,007 --> 01:29:54,246 You would have ruined the tour with your antics anyway. 1121 01:29:54,415 --> 01:29:55,536 Shut the fuck up. 1122 01:29:56,055 --> 01:29:58,448 Thatґs all you can say. 1123 01:29:59,033 --> 01:30:03,059 Next thing you drown in self pity and blame it on the bad, bad world. 1124 01:30:04,764 --> 01:30:07,515 You never understood me. I know. 1125 01:30:08,551 --> 01:30:09,167 How could you? 1126 01:30:10,736 --> 01:30:15,769 Your knowledge ends at the door through which I hope you leave now. 1127 01:30:21,811 --> 01:30:22,685 I will. 1128 01:30:24,290 --> 01:30:25,562 You must know one thing: 1129 01:30:26,273 --> 01:30:27,284 I wonґt return this time. 1130 01:30:28,172 --> 01:30:28,724 Never again. 1131 01:30:30,036 --> 01:30:32,630 Weґll talk about the child in court! 1132 01:30:32,926 --> 01:30:35,247 Jackie, wait! I want to ask you something. 1133 01:30:37,298 --> 01:30:39,939 Am I really Carolinaґs father? 1134 01:30:41,172 --> 01:30:42,340 Tell the truth. 1135 01:30:47,459 --> 01:30:48,660 What do you think of me? 1136 01:30:50,252 --> 01:30:52,211 A whore that uses a child for a fraud? 1137 01:30:55,068 --> 01:30:57,492 What will Carolina think if I tell her that? 1138 01:31:52,017 --> 01:31:52,935 You look fine. 1139 01:31:53,630 --> 01:31:59,392 Billy went jogging with me, I only drank water in 4 months. 1140 01:32:00,774 --> 01:32:01,958 That wasnґt bad. 1141 01:32:02,959 --> 01:32:03,920 Where did you go? 1142 01:32:12,678 --> 01:32:13,798 No one missed you. 1143 01:32:15,782 --> 01:32:20,224 Jackie, I told you on the phone, itґs about the divorce. 1144 01:32:20,383 --> 01:32:23,863 Thereґs many reasons why we didnґt work out ... 1145 01:32:24,759 --> 01:32:27,165 Iґm sure it was mainly me. However ... 1146 01:32:27,574 --> 01:32:28,749 Just a moment, Hans ... 1147 01:32:29,542 --> 01:32:30,765 you sound like a salesman. 1148 01:32:31,973 --> 01:32:34,306 Iґm not sorry. I donґt regret anything. 1149 01:32:35,400 --> 01:32:37,639 Youґre not an easy person ... 1150 01:32:38,307 --> 01:32:40,956 but I donґt want to miss our times together.
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