Этот сайт посвящён австрийскому певцу Фалько (Ганс Хёльцель) - Falco (Hans Hölzel). Здесь вы найдёте его биографию, фотографии, дискографию, переводы статей, тексты песен, видео и музыку, а также сможете пообщаться с другими поклонниками этого замечательного человека, так рано ушедшего из жизни.

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Суббота 2025-Янв-18
Учредитель: Enter-media.org
Главный редактор:
Семёнова Ника
Версия формата: 4.0
Не для продажи


1982 Einzelhaft [10]
1984 Junge Römer [9]
1985 Falco 3 [10]
1986 Emotional [9]
1988 Wiener Blut [11]
1990 Data De Groove [10]
1992 Nachtflug [10]
1998 Out Of The Dark [10]
1999 Verdammt Wir Leben Noch [12]
2009 The Spirit Never Dies [4]
Внеальбомные треки [5]

Главная » Тексты песен » 1999 Verdammt Wir Leben Noch

06 Poison

Lyrics: FALCO, Music: Gunther Mende, Candy De Rouge
Kaiser, Fursten und Monarchen,
Wie seid Ihr reich.
Schenkt Euch Lander, ruhmt Euch Taten,
Kein Vergleich.
Nobody changes, unless to not change.
It's too much running round.
Anna be pleased by tender touch.
Whatcha say, Ku cha cha
Everybody is feeling the feeling
But everybody is breaking hearts
Whenever you go
Poisening the feeling.
You shoot a million arrows
Into each other's hearts.
Complementary territories
Psychologic Space
I can't stand it anymore
Herzen, Herzensdamen
Running running, around around
They wanna read your mind
Wanna be pleased, that's for sure
Whatcha say, ku cha cha
Everybody is feeling the feeling
But everybody is breaking hearts
Whenever you go
Poisening the feeling.
You take the step by tearing
Yourself into a part.
Everybody is feeling the feeling
But everybody is breaking hearts
Whenever you go
Poisening the feeling.
You shoot a million arrows
Into each other's hearts.
Everybody's running 'round
Wishing the heaven to the ground
Trying to find what's never found
But everything is going on,
That's all for sure.
That's all for sure.
And it's all for sure...
Everybody is feeling the feeling
But everybody is breaking hearts
Whenever you go
Poisening the feeling.
You take the step by tearing
Yourself into a part.
Everybody is feeling the feeling
But everybody is breaking hearts
Whenever you go
Poisening the feeling.
You shoot a million arrows
Into each other's hearts.
Everybody is feeling the feeling
But everybody is breaking hearts
Whenever you go
Poisening the feeling.
You take the step by tearing
Yourself into a part.
It's Poison
It's Poison
It's Poison

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